Gaza War Ignites… Jawad Adra: Palestine and Lebanon Are One Cause

Gaza War

After more than 220 days of the Israeli war on Gaza, 60 Palestinians were killed, and 80 were injured in 5 massacres committed by the occupation in the sector within 24 hours, bringing the number of victims to 35,233 and the injured to 79,141. The areas of incursion in the sector witnessed violent clashes between Hamas and the Israeli army.

Politically, differences surfaced between Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Galant mentioned that he asked Netanyahu to find an alternative to Hamas’s authority in Gaza but was not responded to, affirming at the same time his opposition to a military rule in the sector.

In response, Netanyahu confirmed that no civilian entity would enter to manage Gaza’s affairs, emphasizing the exclusion of the Palestinian Authority from the sector post-war.

On the other hand, the Israeli government unanimously rejected on Wednesday, May 15, a resolution issued by the United Nations General Assembly five days ago that encourages the recognition of the Palestinian state and supports granting Palestine full membership in the United Nations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “We will not allow them to establish a terrorist state from which they can attack us more, and no one will prevent us from exercising our fundamental right to defend ourselves, not the United Nations General Assembly nor any other body.”

Resistance through Art…

Resistance is not only through arms but also through art… This is what Jawad Aadra and his partner in founding the Nabu Museum, Zeina Aakr Aadra, believe in, considering art as a form of resistance and survival. Therefore, the administration of Nabu Museum, in cooperation with ‘Al-Madina Theatre,’ launched a solidarity week with Gaza last January under the title ‘Peace to Gaza,’ which included theatrical, cinematic, and dance performances. Alongside the evenings, financial donations were collected for the benefit of the ‘Ghassan Abu Sitta Children’s Fund,’ which was recently launched by Jawad Aadra, Fidaa Jadid, and Badr Al-Hajj. This event stemmed from the belief of the Nabu administration in the active role of art and culture in serving humanitarian causes, especially the Palestinian cause. Jawad Aadra and Zeina Aakr’s interest in the Palestinian cause is not limited to research work but extends to artistic activities as well.

In a special conversation with Jawad Aadra, one of the founders of Nabu Museum,’ he confirmed that in defining Nabu Museum at its inception, the founders considered that ‘art is resistance, resistance for those exiled in their own country and abroad, and Palestinians are exiled in their own country and abroad.’ Jawad Aadra also stated that ‘the Palestinian cause cannot be separated from the region we live in; the entire Arab world is interconnected,’ according to Aadra.

Jawad Aadra believes that “art unites,” adding, “artists here come from different sects, religions, and backgrounds, but the most important thing is that art refines the soul. Art has no religious or racial attribute.”

It is noteworthy that Nabu Museum provides a space for showcasing artworks and acts as an institution to maintain communities’ connection to their culture through educational programs, training, organized tours, public lectures, and guided exhibitions it offers.


Jawad Aadra: “Art is resistance, resistance for those exiled in their own country and abroad, and Palestinians are exiled in their own country and abroad…”

Jawad N. Adra

Jawad N. Adra

Jawad Adra is a Lebanese writer, business man and philanthropist who was born in Kefraya in the North of Lebanon on April 30, 1954.

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