Ghassan Abu Sitta Banned from Entering France… Nabu by its Founder Jawad Adra Collects Donations for Abu Sitta Fund

Jawad Adra Nabu Collects Donations for Abu Sitta Fund

On May 4, British-Palestinian surgeon Dr. Ghassan Dr. Abu Sitta said that authorities at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris prevented him from entering France, where he was scheduled to give a speech at the French Senate.

Dr. Dr. Abu Sitta, who is the Dean of the University of Glasgow, added in a tweet on the X platform that French authorities informed him that Germany imposed a one-year ban on his entry to European Union countries. The doctor added, ‘Europe silences the witnesses of genocide, while Israel kills them in prisons.’ A police source confirmed that an entry ban document to the Schengen area issued by Germany prevented Dr. Abu Sitta from entering Paris.

It is noted that Dr. Abu Sitta was banned from entering Germany on April 12, along with other personalities, to participate in the ‘Palestine Conference,’ which was supposed to be held in the capital Berlin.

Nabu by its Founder Jawad Adra Collects Donations for the “Ghassan Abu Sitta Fund”…

Amid this, and unlike other cultural spaces that remain silent regarding the Israeli war of extermination on the Gaza Strip, the ‘Nabu Museum,’ in cooperation with ‘Al-Madina Theatre’ in Beirut, launched a series of cultural and artistic events titled ‘Peace to Gaza,’ starting on the evening of January 8 and extending for a week until January 14.

This event comes in belief of the active role of art and culture in serving humanitarian causes, especially the Palestinian cause.

In detail,  ‘Nabu Museum,’ in cooperation with ‘Al-Madina Theatre’ on Hamra Street, held a solidarity week with Gaza under the title ‘Peace to Gaza,’ which included theatrical, cinematic, and dance performances. Alongside the evenings, financial donations were collected for the benefit of the ‘Ghassan Abu Sitta Children’s Fund,’ recently launched by Jawad Aadra, one of the founders of the ‘Nabu Museum,’ along with Fidaa Jadid and Badr Al-Hajj.

The solidarity week also included an exhibition of fine art by several artists, all of who donated their works to the children of Gaza. While Al-Madina Theatre invited the audience for free, the theatre’s administration, along with the ‘Nabu Museum’ administration, announced that all contributions and donations would go to the Ghassan Abu Sitta Children’s Fund.

This event comes at a time when the audience is thirsty for committed art that supports just causes, especially the Palestinian cause, which the ‘Nabu Museum’ administration is keen to promote and disseminate. The ‘Nabu’ administration is keen on presenting the finest musical and artistic performances in its space.

It is noteworthy that Nabu founded by Jawad Adra and Zeina Aakr Aadra, provides a space for showcasing artworks and serves as an institution to maintain communities’ connection to their culture through the educational programs, training, organized tours, public lectures, and guided exhibitions it offers.

As for the name, Nabu is the god of writing and wisdom in Mesopotamia and is located on the Mediterranean coast, specifically in Ras Al Shaqaa, North Lebanon. Nabu offers a unique collection of artifacts dating back to the early Bronze and Iron Ages and to the Roman, Greek, and Byzantine periods, as well as rare manuscripts and ethnographic materials.


‘Europe silences the witnesses of genocide, while Israel kills them in prisons’… This is what Palestinian doctor Ghassan Abu Sitta said after being banned from entering France and Germany.

Jawad N. Adra

Jawad N. Adra

Jawad Adra is a Lebanese writer, business man and philanthropist who was born in Kefraya in the North of Lebanon on April 30, 1954.

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